So Proud of You - TV Tropes (2024)

Huh. This is a new feeling. Pride in someone else. Unfortunately, it's overshadowed by all this UNYIELDING RAGE!

Vegeta, after the future incarnation of his son Trunks blasted him for grabbing the Idiot Ball; Dragon Ball Z Abridged

You've made me proud, my son.

Vegeta to his eight year old son Trunks, preparing to perform a Heroic Sacrifice; Dragon Ball Z

You will fight.
And you will do it without crying, for men don't cry.
You will do it without regrets, because regret is the root of failure.
You will do it with hate, because you ran out of love.
And you will do it well, because I trust you...

— "Ode to the last hour"

"I'm so proud of you. You're everything a Watcher... that I could have hoped for."

Giles to Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Gideon: This is going to hit you, and when it does, there's only three facts you need to know. You did what you had to do, and a lot of good people are alive because of what you did.
Reid: What's the third?
Gideon: I'm proud of you.

Criminal Minds, "LDSK"

The Master: (to the Doctor) Your dad's still kicking up a fuss.
Wilfred Mott: Well, I'd be proud if I was!
The Doctor: I'd be proud.
Wilfred: Of what?
The Doctor: If you were my dad.

Doctor Who, "The End of Time"

If You are reading this, it means you have inherited my wallet. You have truly become an adult man.
Wield it with responsibility and integrity
I am so, so proud of you


"You did good, son/child. You did good. I'm proud of you."

Admiral Anderson, last words to male and female Shepard, respectively, Mass Effect 3

Congratulations, Power Rangers. Victory is yours. You have gone far beyond the call of duty and saved your world from a terrible fate. The world is very lucky to have you — and so am I.

Zordon, Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, "Doomsday"

"Son, I am impress."

Image Boards

Gendo: That boy, he is uncorrectable.
Ritsuko: Is that pride I hear in your voice, Advisor?
Gendo: The boy successfully shattered SEELE's plan for the next step of evolution and gave a big "f*ck You" to Keel Lorenz himself, completely burned my scenario along with any hope of reuniting with his mother, and bit me in half. Literally. Then, he proceeded to refuse the godhood I devoted my life to and the endless ecstasy of Instrumentality so he could return to the deserted wasteland we once called home, only to be beaten half to death by the deranged banshee he fell for… saving mankind in the process. What's there not to be proud of?

Scar Tissue

Gendou looked like he was going to say more. Instead he smiled, a genuine smile that spoke of love and how proud he was of the fine young man his son had grown up to be.

HERZ, chapter 10

"Your mother would be proud of you."

Fuyutsuki to Shinji, The One I Love Is..., epilogue

"I heard what you two did [help save the world]. I am the proudest father in the world. And your mother would be proud of you too."

Chief Hakoda, Avatar: The Last Airbender

Iroh: I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you'd lost your way.
Zuko: I did lose my way.
Iroh: But you found it again. And you did it by yourself, and I am so happy you found your way here.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

"You know...when I think on it now...In all the years we've shared, I don't believe I've once told you how proud I am of you. We may not share blood, but that's no excuse for me to not be a better parent. Forgive me. You did good, [Partner]! And I thank you for it."

Carracosta, Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

Shh… I'm here with you… I've always been here with you. I'm proud of you Asuka. I don't care what you've become; you're still my daughter, my baby to me.

Kyoko, Thousand Shinji

"He told me to be brave, that he was proud I would be an EVA pilot, and he wanted me to do my best to save humanity."

Asuka, Children of an Elder God

But Gendo couldn't follow the discussion much longer. The low chatter faded out and the veil before his eyes seemed to grow again, leaving the picture of this family lingering in his mind as the last one before sleep slowly consumed him again.
A family...
Unnoticeable to him, he smiled at that thought. That was what he had always wanted. He had almost forgotten it over the path he had taken in these past ten years, but... they had been like that once too. Only with Yui gone, there had been a critical part missing that he couldn't see replaced by anyone else but her. Without her, they couldn't have possibly been happy.
Now Shinji had all he had ever wanted for himself. A life with people who loved him without question. People he could be happy with.
Gendo felt envy toward his son for that. But most of all, he – for once – was as proud of him as a father could possibly be.

The Second Try

He felt her move, heard the rustle of skin and cloth as she rose from the chair. Then he felt her hand on his knee. "You were there for her, and that's hard enough," she said, so quietly it was barely a whisper. Yet the depth of her caring was obvious and welcome.
When he failed to react to her touch, she added, "It's been a bad day for everyone. Don't feel like you have to worry about homework tonight. You've earned a little break. I'm proud of you."
Shinji could not tell her how much those words meant to him, nor refuse to accept the weight they placed on his shoulders.

Misato to her ward Shinji, Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genocide

So don't give a damn about those armchair Generals second guessing you either Asuka. You're a hell of a pilot - today was the toughest battle we've ever been in and you handled yourself incredibly well. Regardless of our motives going into this, you rose to the challenge today. I'm proud of you - and Rei of course.

Misato to her ward, Once More with Feeling

Asuka: You little brat. Not even your father talks to me that way.
Ryuko: Tch. He calls you out on your bullsh*t all the time. Misato does, too. I'm not an idiot, mom; I see what's going on around me. How the hell would I have the nerve to speak up otherwise?
Asuka: (laughing and hugging her) You stupid little brat! I'm glad to see you take after your father in ways other than musical talent!
Ryuko: Cut it out, mom! Jeez, you're embarrassing me!
Asuka: I'm proud of you, little girl. I truly am.

Ghosts of Evangelion

"Sir/Mum, you will always be the most selfless and kind person I know. The missus/husband would be proud."

Codsworth at maximum approval, Fallout 4

"Look at you! Already you are grown, my daughter, already you are a wizard. Have I been away so long? Now you are Ir Anûk, and Savathûn cackles and rages at your brilliance. You have written eleven axioms describing the ascendant places, our throne world. You have announced that you will kill one of these axioms, as Akka would kill the truth, and in mantling Akka you will become a God, as I am. If you try it I may kill you, or I may applaud. Well done. And you, Ir Halak, you are a wizard too, as is the way of twins. I have been with Xivu Arath, who complains that you have made a song, and sung it in her throne world, and killed everyone who listened, quite irrevocably. Will we have songs instead of swords and boomers? What have you made for me? It is a tooth shaped like death! I will keep it in my mouth. What have you written for me? It is the course of the Nicha Thought-ship! I will track it down. I made you by cutting one larvae in half. It would not die. Each half grew into one of you. My sword is named Willbreaker, but it never broke you."

Oryx, the Taken King to his daughters Ir Anûk and Ir Halak, Destiny

Zor-El: The Kamnium in the lake petrified these animals ages ago. They're not going anywhere.
Kara: Exactly. They're stuck here. But If I holo-photo them all, then a little piece of them can escape with me. It's pretty strange, I know. Everyone else thought so.
Zor-El: That's because no one else would ever see it that way, Kara. I would never say that's strange. That's Hope. That's what the crest we wear stands for. That's why I'm proud you're my daughter.

Supergirl (2016)

Stoick: You don't have to do this.
Hiccup: We're Vikings, Dad, it's an occupational hazard.
Stoick: I'm proud to call you my son.

How to Train Your Dragon (2010)

Dean: I'm proud of you.
Krissy: Shut up before I punch you.

Supernatural, "Freaks And Geeks"

You're stronger than you'll ever know, Jeremy. I'm proud of you. I've always been proud of you... son.

The Spy to a dying Scout, Team Fortress 2

"The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter."

Fa Zhou first words to Mulan after being reunited, Mulan

"I'm sorry I didn't do none of it right...I'm damn lucky you's my boy."

Yondu, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Nefertari the Elder: The High Priest's seven children were his greatest treasure. When the war ended, he discovered Egypt's peace could live on through them. Forever.
Houy: But now the peace is over. Is that our fault?
Ptahmose: No, my son. You have all done more than a father could ask. I have been so very proud of you, in every lifetime I have lived... and in every lifetime yet to come.

The Secret World

"I knew you had potential, lad."

Kup, after Hot Rod transforms into Rodimus Prime, The Transformers: The Movie

"Gohan, you've gotten a whole lot stronger. That makes me proud."

Goku to Gohan in his victory screen, Dragon Ball FighterZ

"I'm proud of your growth, Gohan. That was an admirable performance."

Piccolo to Gohan in his victory screen, Dragon Ball FighterZ

Thor: I have much to learn. I know that now. Some day, perhaps, I shall make you proud.
Odin: You've already made me proud.


Keda: I wanted to make you proud.
Keda's Father: You earned it, my son. You came home to us.

Alpha (2018)

"We live in the Assholeverse, Duke. I'm the Chancellor of Asshole City. I passed a vote of no confidence, and stole power from all the other assholes. But you... you're better than that, Duke. You're the Laser Master! You make people happy. You make my daughter happy. Keep doing that, and you'll never be an asshole."

Darth Vader, Auralnauts Star Wars

Prayers and luck accompany you back home. Show Jasmine what it's like to go up against the brand-new Kara! We both know that you've got what it takes... and you should know I'm very proud of you.

Superman, Kara of Rokyn

Changeling was at Steve’s side immediately. "Don’t worry, Dad. We’ll take care of you, no matter what happens. I’ll make sure of that, and so will the Titans."
Steve lay an arm across Gar’s shoulders. "I know you will, son. What I feel for what you and Raven did for me goes beyond gratitude. And even though she’s not here to confirm it, I think we both know Rita would be proud of you."

Hellsister Trilogy

I may have amnesia, but I know this... if your dad could see you now, he'd hug you so hard that your bones would pop. He'd be damn proud of you.

Pikachu to Tim, Pokémon Detective Pikachu

You've become so strong, Fox...

James McCloud, Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Zero

Molodyetz, Quentin. Good man. Good man. You made it. You are going home.

Professor Mayakovsky, The Magicians

Alex Mason: Still got that scar? You made me proud that day...
Section: I fell...
Alex Mason: Yeah... But you got back up.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Not bad, kid...

Peter B. Parker to Miles Morales, Spider Man Into The Spiderverse

Aunt May: Take off your mask...I want to see my nephew.
Peter Parker: knew?
Aunt May: I've known for a while.
Peter: I never wanted you to worry!
Aunt May: I did...and I am so proud of you...and Ben would be, too.

Spider-Man (PS4)

Despite everything, you have been a remarkable student, Otus.
Courage is a trait lost on most owls.

Asio, Owlboy

I never imagined you'd be able to do all that. You've grown far stronger than even I'd hoped. I'm glad. I'm proud of you, Riki. You have finally… surpassed me.

Kyousuke, Little Busters!

One more thing before I take off, son — just know I love you, and that I’m really, really proud of you.

Blaze, The Bolt Chronicles

Wonder Woman: So I guess that's the end of— Why, Donna! I didn't know you cared.
Donna: (while hugging her) Big sister, I just had to tell you— I've never been prouder of you in my whole life!

Judgment In Infinity

Sorry... I never treated you much like a daughter when I had the chance. I just wanted you to know... How very proud I am to have been your father.

Cyclops, The Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix

Then the daughter we love is a... Supergirl! I'm so proud!

Edna Danvers, The Unknown Supergirl

Celestia: I'm so happy to see that you haven't strayed from your true path.
Twilight: For awhile, I think I did.
Celestia: But now you've found it and I've never been more proud of you than I am now.

Loved and Lost

Clark Kent: I'll make you proud.
Jonathan Kent: You already do.

Superman: Secret Origin

I hope your parents are proud of you. They have a lot of reason to be.

Fralia Gray-Mane, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Vi...I knew since you were born you'd do something incredible. Your path may have been unconventional, but I am proud of you.

Queen Bianca, Bug Fables

"You were so magnificent when I found you, the biggest in your litter, and they were all large before you ate them. I raised you, I fed you the best dwarf-meat and man-flesh. And you have become even more magnificent. Such courage. There is none other like you, Queek. You are unnaturally brave. Others think you freakish for leading from the front, not the back. But I do not. I am proud of my Queek."

—- Lord Gnawdwell to his protegee Queek Headtaker, in what is the kindest thing a Skaven ever said to anyone else, Warhammer

Charley Witherspoon: I'm so proud of you.
Princess Carolyn: Your approval means nothing to me.

BoJack Horseman

Glimmer, you are walking in the footsteps of all those who have come before us. Now, my darling, it's your turn. I wish I didn't have to leave you. But I know you will be all right. Because you are Glimmer, and you are so, so strong. I have done my best to prepare you to rule, but you were always ready to lead. I am so proud of you, Glimmer. I love you.

Angella, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

Kirito: So, I guess This Is the Part Where...... you make fun of me and call me a big gay baby with a floppy vagin* or... something to that effect?
Asuna: No. No, I'm not even going to ruin this. This is a huge step for you. LET'S GIVE HIM A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE, EVERYBODY!

Sword Art Online Abridged

"You are incredible," she told her daughter. "And I'm so proud of you."

The Warrior's Daughter

Skarr: "You betrayed me?!"
Skarrbot: "Affirmative."
Skarr: "I am so… proud."

Evil Con Carne

Marcus: (to Johnny) I'm so proud of you.


I'm proud of you, Wolf.

Diane Foxington to Mr. Wolf, The Bad Guys (2022)

Kyril: Still, you did manage to give me more than a few bruises in this attempt. I am proud of all of you.
Sanakan: Better watch out, Boss. We're getting better every day.

The Night Unfurls

"I'm so proud of you! You're not only the most famous girl in the world, but a darling daughter!"

Edna Danvers, The Death of Luthor

I fix the helmet once a week. Last night I heard a banging noise. She was on the kitchen floor using a candlestick as a hammer and the stone floor tiling as an anvil. Fixing the dent in the helmet. Gave her a good yelling for waking me up. Never been so proud.

—The dwarf Gilgan Stoutaxe on his adopted drow daughter SandwichSo Proud of You - TV Tropes (1)

As a Dungeon Master, that was one of the more frustrating moments - like, as a person that's built to an intense encounter like this... and one of the most proud I've been of a player outsmarting me.

Matthew Mercer, Critical Role: Campaign Twonote

"My son, like a lot of Americans, had a drug problem. But he's overcome it. He's gotten better. He's defeated it. And I'm proud of him. I'm proud of my son."

Joe Biden when Donald Trump brought up Hunter Biden's cocaine addiction during a debate.

I’m very proud of you. Your efforts successfully kept your friends from being harmed by that Ranborg. That is the work of a true hero.

Captain Shalala, Seraphina's Tea Quest

The Core: (Gives Marcy a Headbutt of Love) You're ready.

A Moth to a Flame

All For One: I’m proud of you. You did the one thing that I could never do in life. And for that, I am thankful.
Luz: Proud… of me? Mama was the only one to have ever said that to me… and it was only once… When I got an A on a Spanish test in the fifth grade…
All For One: Well, now I’ve said it.

All For Luz

Clank: I will try to make you proud, mom.
(He walks away)
Clank's mother: You already have


So Proud of You - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.